Claire Garrison Claire Garrison

You Made Me Do It – Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Reactivity 

In the chaos of daily life, emotions can quickly spiral out of control. Picture this: you're driving, and someone cuts you off. Instantly, irritation flares up, urging you to retaliate. This is emotional reactivity – a knee-jerk response driven by fear, anger, or contempt. But why do we react this way?

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Claire Garrison Claire Garrison

Social Anxiety: Navigating Social Situations with Confidence

Overcome social anxiety with practical tips and professional counseling. Apollo Counseling provides personalized treatment plans and experienced counselors in a supportive environment. Schedule your first appointment for a more confident life.

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Claire Garrison Claire Garrison

What does it take to become an LPC?

Compassion and discretion are two essential qualities of a good counselor, but there are a few more steps to becoming qualified. Want to become a counselor but need help figuring out where to start? Read on to learn what it takes.

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Claire Garrison Claire Garrison

Counseling Credentials: What do they mean?

Don’t let the “alphabet soup” of counseling credentials overwhelm you. Aside from choosing to begin therapy, the most important decision is finding a counselor that’s the right match for you. You can start by researching the counselor's credentials to ensure they have the necessary training, skills, and experience to assist you.

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