What does it take to become an LPC?
Compassion and discretion are two essential qualities of a good counselor, but there are a few more steps to becoming qualified. Want to become a counselor but need help figuring out where to start? Read on to learn what it takes.
Counseling Credentials: What do they mean?
Don’t let the “alphabet soup” of counseling credentials overwhelm you. Aside from choosing to begin therapy, the most important decision is finding a counselor that’s the right match for you. You can start by researching the counselor's credentials to ensure they have the necessary training, skills, and experience to assist you.
How to Recognize Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are treatable! The majority of individuals who get treatment are able to increase their control of excessive worry and decrease other symptoms after a few months, with many experiencing some degree of relief in a few weeks.
3-2-1 Liftoff
Named after the Apollo space program of the 1960’s, Apollo Counseling exists to be a safe and supportive setting to explore, challenge, and change.